In the season of Lent, the Church faces her finitude. When much of our lives are spent suppressing death, ignoring fragility, and acting immortal, Lent is a reminder that we all come from dust and to dust we shall return. It is during this time that we are also confronted with our need for empowerment. Human will alone is not sufficient if we, like Saint Paul, are to finish the race of life well. Jesus modeled this when tempted for 40 days in the wilderness, and we are called to follow his example and cling to the words of Scripture for they are our foundation for reality as we confront these same temptations today. This Lent, may we know that we cannot do it alone. May we commit and submit ourselves to others in community because we need the greater communion of saints to sustain our faith. And may we experience breakthrough as we rely on the Holy Spirit to empower us in our battles.