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Care + Support

Our community means everything, and no matter what you're going through, we're here to help. Below you’ll find a variety of ways in which we are available to walk with you.

  • White Bucket Project

    We know that life is full of seasons. Some seasons have us in a place of abundance, while others can leave us in dire need. As a community, we desire to follow the mantra of the early church and rally around our brothers and sisters to “bear one another’s burdens”. The White Bucket Project is a practical way to do just that. This designated fund provides fiscal relief to those in our community who find themselves in a time of need.

    Below you’ll find a variety of ways in which we are available to walk with you. We hope that you’ll take advantage of connecting and journeying with us by contacting us at 616.249.3337 or when a need arises. You are an important part of our community and our story won’t be the same without yours.

    • Find Help

      Financial assistance may be available for individuals who are currently regular attendees of Mars Hill Bible Church. In addition, regular attendees of Mars Hill who are helping to support a family member, friend, neighbor or co-worker in a non-professional relationship can refer them to the White Bucket Project.

      You can also fill out an online application.

    • Serve

      We are currently looking for individuals who are willing to serve as benevolence advisers, or offer pro-bono acts of service, such as car repair, dental or vision care, and legal advice, on an as-needed basis. If you’re interested, contact to learn more.

  • Community Care

    One of the great things about our community is that the people here genuinely care about each other. So whether it’s with one of our many pastors or a gifted community member with a heart for others, there are people here who would love to journey with you.

    Below you’ll find a variety of ways in which we are available to walk with you. We hope that you’ll take advantage of connecting and journeying with us by contacting us at 616.249.3337 or when a need arises. You are an important part of our community and our story won’t be the same without yours.

    • Baptism

      At Mars Hill, we teach that baptism marks our participation in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, with the church, to serve the world.

      Baptism Sunday

      Our community observes baptism together. Our baptism service celebrates with those who seek to make a public profession of faith, reminds those who previously have been baptized of their own baptism, and recommits our support of each other as we live faith personally within community. For these reasons, this service takes place during our regular 10am Gathering, rather than as a separate event for those being baptized.

      Interested In Being Baptized?

      Those who are in the process of discerning whether or not baptism is the next step in their faith journey must participate in a required baptism class which usually happen in the fall and spring.

      The class is for “all-ages”, meaning the content and experience is designed to be as inclusive as possible of all age-groups and learning styles. Parents are required to participate with their son or daughter if they are middle school aged or younger.

    • Births/Fostering/Adoptions

      Recently welcomed a new member into your family? Let us celebrate with you. We’d love to welcome your new addition with a small gift and tell you more about how our Kids or Students Ministry is serving families in our community. Just email or call 616.249.3337 to let us know about your wonderful news.

    • Child Dedications

      Child Dedication at Mars Hill is a practice in which parents make a solemn commitment to raising their child in the faith: in knowing Jesus as the only hope for bringing reconciliation between God and humanity.

      Have Questions?

      We’ve provided responses to our most common questions about Child Dedications and baptism in our FAQs, and if you’d like to fill out a form to get the ball rolling, click here. We invite you to email us at if you have any questions.

    • Counseling Referrals

      Looking for a counselor? Our Mobilization + Care Pastor is available to talk about your particular situation and give you a recommendation for a counselor who might best fit your needs. Please call us at 616.249.3337 to set up an appointment.

    • Deaths

      When someone you love passes away you are not alone. We have pastors available to meet with you and/or officiate the service. We also have rooms available for the service during our open building hours. Please contact us at 616.249.3337.

    • Financial Support

      For those in our community with basic urgent needs, it is our desire to help. Learn more about our White Bucket Project or apply for assistance now.

    • Meals

      When you’re in a crisis, the last thing you need to worry about is what to eat. That’s why individuals in our community have developed a meal team to prepare meals for those going through rough times. If you are in need of a meal or two, email or call 616.249.3337 and we will connect you with our meal team coordinator to arrange timing and dietary needs.

    • Pastoral Appointments

      Pastor appointments are available Monday-Thursday from 9am-4:30pm and on Sunday mornings. If you want to talk with or pray with a pastor, please call 616.249.3337 to set up a time. Or email and someone will contact you shortly.

    • Visitation

      Our pastoral team is made up of individuals in our community who are gifted in supporting others through life’s most challenging circumstances. If you would like someone to sit with you during a hospital stay or simply someone to come and pray with you in your home, please email or call 616.249.3337.

    • Weddings

      Are you getting married and interested in having a Mars Hill Pastor officiate your ceremony? 

      Fill out this quick form and our Pastoral Ministries Support Assistant will be in contact soon.

      *Couples who hope to have a Mars Hill pastor officiate their ceremony are encouraged to attend the pre-marriage class or schedule pre-marriage counseling with a pastor or professional counselor.

      Our building is not available for weddings.

  • Area Resources

    • Area Food Pantries

      1 in 4 children in Grand Rapids are undernourished and underfed. If you’re struggling to feed your family, know that there are a number of food pantries in West Michigan that can help. Download their information and location.

    • Family Resource Guide [online]

      Provides easy access to information on programs, services, and topics for children and families in the Kent County area, including basic needs, childcare, employment, and counseling. Visit

    • Foreclosure Prevention: Home Repair Services [Kent County]

      Offers professional counseling and loss mitigation advocacy for homeowners currently delinquent on their mortgage, with the goal of resolving the delinquency and reinstating the mortgage. Call 616.241.2601 and ask to speak with their foreclosure intake person.

    • Love Inc

      Love In the Name of Christ [Love INC] in Hudsonville serves families in Grandville, Jenison, and Hudsonville, as well as those attending Mars Hill but living out of the target area. They offer over 46 different helping ministries meeting needs of all types, including budgeting and parenting classes, clothing, and school supplies. Connect with Love INC by calling 616.662.3300.

    • Safe Haven

      Save Haven offers confidential emergency shelter for women and children fleeing domestic violence; support groups, individual supportive counseling, and advocacy for women and children who do not require shelter; and prevention and outreach programs for the entire community. Visit their webpage.

    • The Salvation Army Social Services

      The Salvation Army can help with basic needs and crisis assistance, including emergency housing. They can be reached at 616.459.9468.

    • United Way’s First Call for Help [2-1-1]

      United Way’s 2-1-1 is a free information and referral service hotline available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Find help with food, housing, and other basic needs by dialing 2-1-1 from any land line, or 616.459.2255 / 800.887.1107 from your cell phone.

    • YWCA

      The YWCA West Central Michigan offers services that support victims of domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, child sexual abuse, and stalking, as well as prevention programs for girls 9-18 years old. Visit their webpage.

  • Freezer Meal Project

    When life gets overwhelming, even routine tasks like making a meal can feel daunting.

    This is why we are introducing the Freezer Meal Project, which was created to ensure that we always have a home-cooked meal ready for anyone in our community who could use one.

    In a similar spirit to the White Bucket Project, the Freezer Meal Project operates on the principle that if you need a meal, take a meal, and if you have a meal, give a meal.

Associate pastor troy hatfield standing beside the stage with his guitar during a small gathering
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congregation band playing on stage to crowd with lyrics displayed overhead
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Amie Jo Kreitzer and staff help answer questions behind church desk
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