Camping at Cran-Hill Ranch

Who is ready to say goodbye to snow, ice, rain, and freezing temperatures and move right on to June and the camping season?

Join some Mars Hill friends and families for a weekend at Cran-Hill Ranch.

DATES: Friday, June 13 [check in at 4pm] - Sunday, June 15 [check out at 2pm] 

LOCATION: Cran-Hill Ranch - 14444 17 Mile Road, Rodney, MI, 49342 

COST: $140* per campsite [includes campsite, donuts on Saturday morning, s'mores on both nights, a shared meal on Saturday evening, and a whole bunch of fun] 

REGISTRATION: CLICK HERE to register by June 1 [Enter discount code "earlybird" before February 29 for a $15 discount!] 

Want all the fun of camping without giving up your nice, comfortable bed? Join us just for the day on Saturday! Come when you can, leave when you must. Just email so we can be sure to keep you in the loop with activity schedules and such.

Questions? Email or call the church office at 616-249-3337.

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